Did the ground
plane antenna evolve from a glass jar?
Of course it did! Can't you see
the logical progression? Just as all
earthly creatures evolved from marine life: from fish to man; in our case,
glass jar to ground-plane antenna.
From a radio communications standpoint, the
ground-plane antenna has been the fundamental antenna used in radio
communications from almost the beginning.
Simple and basic; yet, an efficient means for launching electromagnetic
waves. But, you ask, how is it related
to a glass jar?
The jar in question is the Leyden Jar as shown in Figure-1. This
device was not named after its founder; but rather, a University in Holland
where it was discovered. The jar was
founded by accident by a scientist named Pieter Musschenbroek sometimes before
1745. To his surprise, Musschenbroek received an electrical shock when he
picked up the jar to move it.
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Figure-1 |
Musschenbroek's construction was simple. The device was simply a glass bottle half filled with water and sealed with a cork. A nail penetrated the cork into the water, and the jar was charged through the nail using an electrical machine. When first discovered by Musschenbroek, water served as the inner coating and Musschenbroek's hand served as the outer coating. Touching the jar completed the ground connection, creating an electrical shock. An early electrical component, the Leyden Jar is the ancestor to today's capacitor. Back then it was called an accumulator or a secondary battery.
To charge the jar, an electrical machine is
used. One of the oldest types of machine
is called the Cylinder Electric Machine shown in Figure-2. The device is
constructed using of a glass cylinder mounted on a horizontal bar with a handle
on one end. The upper half of the
cylinder is covered with a flap of silk.
The silk is attached to a cushion comprised of rubber, leather,
horsehair and powdered amalgam zinc or tin.
To the right of the device is a brass cylinder called the prime
conductor, which is mounted on a glass stand. On one end, a comb-like device
made up of fine metallic spikes is mounted near the glass cylinder. The other
end is a rod with a brass knob on the end.
When the handle is turned, friction is applied between the amalgam
covered leather and the glass cylinder.
The prime conductor collects the charge through the spikes and forms a
charge at the brass ball. To charge a
Leyden Jar, the jar's brass ball is placed near the prime conductor’s brass
ball. The outer coating is connected to ground by a wire or chain. The jar collects an electrical charge.
Later, the jars were constructed using
tinfoil. A glass jar was coated inside
to a certain height with tinfoil.
Tinfoil also covered the outside jar.
A brass knob connected to the end of a brass rod is extended through the
cork lid and connected to a brass chain, which makes contact with the inner
foil. Just like the electrolytic capacitor we're all familiar with, an electric
charge is collected on the glass dielectric between the two tinfoil plates [as
discovered by Benjamin Franklin - prior to this time, scientists thought that
the charges accumulated on the tinfoil]. Figure-1 shows a Leyden Jar being
discharged. The inner and outer tinfoil of a charged Leyden jar is brought
together by the discharger, creating a spark across the air gap.
The Leyden Jar was well known and commonly used in electrical
experiments. Scientists experimented
with the jar's discharges and its electrical characteristics. Experimentation
showed that jars could be connected in series/parallel arrangements with other
jars to produce bigger discharges [ranges greater than 10,000 volts] as shown
in Figure-3. This jar arrangement was
also known as a secondary battery. The jar could hold a charge for several
hours or even several days. Up to this
time in electrical history, the Leyden jar was the only device that could store
electrical energy until Volta created the battery in 1800. This was nearly a half a century later. The Leyden jar was an early electrical
discovery and was experimented vigorously before its association with
electromagnetic wave theory.
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Figure-3 |
In 1867, James Clerk Maxwell, through his
celebrated mathematical equations, proved that electromagnetic waves existed,
and that they traveled at the speed of light.
Maxwell was a genius who could couple theories developed by Gauss,
Ampere, and especially Faraday. His
theory married electrical and magnetic motion in the form of waves in a medium
called the ether [aether]. Light was a high frequency electrical phenomenon
while heat was its low frequency counterpart.
Electromagnetic waves are found in between.
Maxwell's work inspired both Victorian and
modern-day scientists to research and experiment with electromagnetic
theory. His discovery was exceptionally
revolutionary, since Newtonian physics at that time asserted that electric
waves could not exist.
Maxwell's theory set the stage for major
change. It showed that changes in
electric and magnetic forces sent waves into space. A phenomenon that had a difficult time of
being accepted by the current day scientific community. No other scientist
would show this brilliance until the emergence of Einstein at the turn of the 20th
Maxwell's theory of electromagnetic radiation, with the
relationship between electric and magnetic fields, can be illustrated as
follows: The output of a transmitter's
final amplifier feeds an alternating current to the antenna via a transmission
line. The resulting current flowing in the antenna produces an alternating
magnetic field in the space surrounding it.
This alternating magnetic field, in turn, produces an alternating
electric field in the space surrounding it, but is offset by 90 degrees. The magnetically induced electric field in
turn produces a second magnetic field in the space surrounding it. This electrically induced alternating
magnetic field will produce yet another alternating electric field; and so on,
and so forth - each field alternately being reproduced by its reciprocal field
force in space.
Still, during Maxwell's lifetime and several years thereafter,
there was no physical electrical apparatus that could transmit or receive the
electromagnetic waves that his equations predicted. In 1883, one scientist by the name of G. F.
Fitzgerald, who initially refuted the existence of Maxwellian waves, suggested
that Leyden Jar discharges could be a source of electromagnetic waves. This essential fact eluded scientists for
decades because there was no way of detecting electromagnetic waves that the
Leyden Jar was thought of generating.
Eventually in 1887, the German scientist Heinrich Hertz achieved
verification by experiment, proving that Maxwell’s theory was correct. Hertz's simple circuit [Figure 4] consisted
of a battery, sparking coil, interrupter, and spark gap.
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Figure-4 |
The device generates an electromagnetic wave when the battery
provides a high voltage DC current into the induction coil primary. This event causes a dc voltage pulse in the
secondary, and the interrupter provides a constant alternating current in the
coil’s secondary. At this point, the
spark gap acts like a very fast acting switch that positively charges one of
the plates. The other plate is charged
negatively. The voltage at the gap breaks down and causes a spark to arc across
the open air-gap connecting the two plates.
The energy in the gap is sustained by interrupting the spark coil
current using a device called an interrupter. A wide spark, bright white in
color, launches electromagnetic energy into space - radio waves!
Hertz was able to use these as components to generate radio
waves. As it turned out, the detection
of the electromagnetic waves turned out to be quite simple device. Hertz's receiver, which he called a
resonator, was a simple circular piece of wire with an air gap. See figure-5.
Figure-5 |
In the time span between Maxwell's discoveries and Hertz's
experiments, roughly twenty years, an important technological evolution
Examining Hertz's circuit closely uncovers an important
Referring to Figure-4, Hertz's apparatus consisted of two metal
plates connected on the ends of a thin brass rod. Hertz felt that this arrangement could be
charged like a Leyden Jar by cutting the rods at the center and making an air
gap using two spherical brass balls.
This arrangement is known as a Hertzian Dipole.
Now, examine Hertz's transmitter diagram very closely, especially
those rectangular plates at the far ends of the air gap.
If you were to pull out the inner tinfoil of the Leyden Jar, it would
closely resemble a rectangular plate. Peel off the outer tinfoil from the jar
and it too resembles another rectangular plate.
Now, when both plates are extended out and away from each other
horizontally, it begins to resemble Hertz's dipole transmitter apparatus. The other two ends form an air gap. There it is!
The first evolutionary development.
From Maxwellian waves to Hertzian waves.
As everyone knows, a 22-year-old Guglielmo Marconi developed the
first commercial wireless system in 1896.
His system consisted of various components incorporating a transmitter
and a receiver. These components
included a Ruhmkorff coil, a spark-gap, a modified Branly coherer (metal
filings in a glass tube), Volta’s batteries, and Hertz’ dipole. Other scientists and experimenters developed
all these devices, but Marconi was the first to use them in concert to develop
a wireless information transmission system - wireless telegraph.
Marconi was not only the first to successfully launch
electromagnetic waves to great distances, but also contributed to the development
of the technology. In parallel with his
research, Marconi was also the first to bring wireless telegraphy technology to
the for-profit marketplace. Before his appearance on the wireless scene,
scientists involved in electromagnetic study were only for academic purposes
and the pursuit of science. No one
thought of developing the technology for commercial purposes. Scientists were only interested in proving
Maxwell's theory and to expand on Hertz's experiments.
However, Marconi's involvement was significant as he gave birth to
the wireless industry. He continued to
cultivate technical improvements. For
example, he theorized that elevating the antenna to greater heights would
launch electromagnetic waves to even greater distances. No one else had thought or done this before.
In those early days, the antennas used by Marconi and other
experimenters were horizontally polarized Hertzian dipoles, consisting of a
wire with capacitively loaded plates at each end of an air gap, resembling
Hertz's device. Each arm of the dipole
was a quarter-wavelength. One major
difference of Marconi's dipole from Hertz' was that Marconi's system was
physically larger due to the lower frequency used. Hertz's experiments were in
the UHF range.
Again, we are on the brink of another transformation. Here is an interesting development: Marconi
rotated the horizontal dipole arrangement 90-degrees. One of the plates was elevated to a vertical
position by hanging it on a wooden pole [Fig 6]. The other metal plate was left lying on the
ground. The result was a notable
improvement in the distance that a signal could be transmitted. Soon, with more experimentation, Marconi
buried the plate lying on the ground and found that the antenna became even
more effective. The earth now replaced
one of the dipole arms. This antenna
configuration is called a grounded vertical.
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Figure-6 |
Marconi's experimental antennas were elevated by raising
antenna wires on poles, and at times with kites or even balloons. His experiments found that the higher the
wire, the greater the distance. Before
long, along with the improvement of his wireless apparatus, Marconi could
achieve greater distances, when in 1901 he transmitted the first wireless
message across the Atlantic Ocean. The
Morse code letter for “S” was successfully transmitted and received between
England and Newfoundland. The antenna
was attached to a kite because the antenna supporting structure was destroyed a
few days earlier due to stormy weather.
Now, if you eliminate the plate at the end of the dipole, you have
a vertical end-fed or ground plane antenna that we are familiar with
today. What happened to the plates on
Hertz's dipole and Marconi's grounded vertical?
First, they were never necessary.
The only purpose they had was to add capacitance, increasing the
effective length of the antenna. The
plates had little or no influence to the total electromagnetic field strength
generated or on the resonant frequency of the antenna. Hertz possibly used them as a holdover from
the inner and outer tinfoil of the Leyden jar. Marconi initially used them as a
holdover from Hertz's experiments. In
both cases, it would have been much easier for both men to abolish the use of
the plates entirely.
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Figure-7 |
History provides interesting hindsight - 250 year's worth. Glass
jar to ground plane antenna.